Friday, April 25, 2014


Oh how extremely thankful I am that GOD has walked alongside me in this season of writing HE has given me.  I so often day dream about scripture I have read in my Bible.  I am currently in Revelation and yesterday I came across this: "Come gather together for the great Supper of GOD." vs. 19: 17.

This scripture I am sure has many meanings, however, it reminded me of a post I wrote a couple of years ago about sitting at that table with JESUS.  I have looked back on this blog to no avail when it comes to finding that post! I am certain then, that GOD wants me to write about it again from my current vantage point.  

At CHRIST'S table, all sinners will be welcome.   If you feel rejected in this world, take comfort in this table being prepared in the presence of your enemies.  It will be a feast beyond description, but in my mind, I can see CHRIST seated at the head.  As you enter, HE will gently take your hand and lead you to your chair......will you see your name on it?  You won't be able to release your gaze from HIS deep grace-filled eyes.  You see, HE has had HIS eyes on you all along.

As you sit in that comfortable chair, you start to look around to see family, friends and many other souls just like you......all whole now, all loved, all secure in eternity.  When the conversation quiets, our SHEPHERD rises to say "Welcome", a simple word really with great meaning here, because it means you are finally home.

Revelation 19: 9 says: "Those invited to the marriage feast of the Lamb are fortunate!"  Let us all keep our eyes on this Prize of Heaven. When life gets us down, and seems impossible, remember there is ONE who walked before us, who was rejected and forsaken, and is now preparing that great table just for you and me. And what a joyous table it will be!

CHRIST walks alongside us, every moment, every day, every year, through the peaks and valleys, HE is there.  And presently HE waits for us.....HE patiently expects us at the appropriate time, to enter the Great Banquet Room of Heaven, a room filled with love and grace, overflowing with HIS light and joy for us......and when we enter that sacred room, we will..... never..... have..... to..... leave!  

PSALM 23:5 "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my cup overflows."

May we all give HIM glory until we are seated together!

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