Saturday, February 9, 2013


It is February, the month of love.  We remember those we have lost in our lives and how much we loved them, and of course we love our families and friends.  Do you make it a point each day to tell someone you care for them?  A word of encouragement can do wonders for someone.... CHRIST was a man of few words, but HE did command us to : "love one another," in JOHN 13: 35.

We are good at telling our families, children, husbands and wives that we love them... but what about those that are difficult to love?

I feel so blessed that with each door that GOD has closed for me, that with each person HE has taken out of my life, that HE has filled that hole left with someone more precious.  YES we are commanded to forgive that person who hurt us, and sometimes the only way we can ever connect with them again is through prayer.  Sometimes we try to restore the relationship and it doesn't work... mostly because the bond of trust has been broken.  What joy it is to know that we can fully trust GOD'S love which covers a multitude of sins, it restores and convicts us, sometimes in ways we are unaware of.  We need to examine within our own hearts to see if we carry HIS love for others... are we looking at those difficult people with a GOD-SIZED love?

And sometimes GOD gives us exciting new friendships!  I can look at last year and see many new friends and you know who you are... I am so blessed by you!

I have a couple of friends that I have now had for over 20 years.  I feel totally accepted when I am with them... they have never hurt me intentionally.  These women are my example of JESUS in skin to me... they are amazing in their love for the LORD!  And they make me want to be a better friend to all my friends... just by their example of love and grace for me!  I know in my heart that GOD sent these women to me, to walk alongside me in friendship, for the rest of my days.  These wonderful women are like family to my family!

And then there are my Heartprint Sisters... we have been together for 12 years now.  All of these women are the heartbeat of CHRIST surrounding me with their hearts of unconditional love.  We have been through death, birth, disease, and much laughter with each other... but all of us have been on our knees for each other many times, and step up whenever asked!  I know I could call any of them at the drop of a moments notice to ask for a favor, and it would be done for me.  I am so humbled to have this group in my life.... and once again, these women represent JESUS in skin to me.

I was an only child and always longed for a sister.... how wonderful now that I can look around me and see so many Sisters in Christ in my life!!  And as I type this, HE has sent a new group of women into my life that are surrounding me through a Bible Study. 

So the message here is this... GOD'S LOVE FOR US ABOUNDS!  IT is never ending and is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.  HE fills us with HIS love.... and HE loves us through the love of others.  If you give HIS love away, there is a promise that it will come back into your life in amazing ways! 

I hope you will look at your life and see HIS blessing of love for you in it.... let our hearts be filled with love all year.... this month and especially on February 14th.  I know for some, Valentines's Day is a difficult day, but HIS love is really all you need.  Love those around you as HE loves you, giving people grace and mercy.... pass it along and give it away as much as possible.  HIS redemptive love for us is eternal and everlasting.... forevermore.

PSALM 63:3 "Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you."

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful, encouraging, Truth-filled post, Maxine! YES! His love is all I need....took me years to figure that out. and now, I don't want to imagine my life any other way...

    Love and hugs to you!
