I don't know about you, but when I think on Christ's REDEMPTION for me, I think of the cross! The cross means many things to many people. All I know in my heart and soul is that Christ hung there... for my sins... for me... and for you... until HE died. I think on the women that were present to witness HIS crucifixion and I wonder: if I were alive in those times, would I have been standing at the foot of the cross? Would I have been able to watch my LORD suffer, and would I have felt helpless inside? I can't imagine what Mary felt... to watch her son... suffer. Christ said to HIS mother: "Dear woman, here is your SON." John 19:26
I wonder, how did Mary's heart cope with HIS death and... how it all must have grieved her! What was she thinking as she was looking up at her bleeding SON? Was she feeling hopeless and defeated? But with all her pain in place, she did not know that the GLORY of it all was just a few short days away!
And this is what we should remember as we go through painful times here on earth... that the glory is coming! 1 Peter 4:12-13 says: "dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when HIS glory is revealed."
So let's not miss the point here... GOD is involved in all our sufferings whether continuous or temporary. HE suffered for us and for our sins. HE knows best the pain we feel. As we go through these trials in our lives, let us not forget that HIS BLOOD on the cross was OUR REDEMPTION! Let us continue to give HIM the glory and thank HIM for that cross!
You and I are redeemed and we are promised an eternal inheritance due to HIS ransom for our sins! May we love CHRIST for what HE did for us!
HE is our Savior who overcame... HE is worthy of all our glory and honor each and every day!
HEBREWS 9: 12 "HE did not enter by means of the blood of goats and calves; but HE entered the Most Holy Place once for all by HIS own blood, having obtained eternal redemption."

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