It is cold outside here... has been that way for a few days now. It has been continuously below 10 degrees! And I don't like it. I love the warm weather because everything seems easier and carefree. I love the feel of the warm breezes on my skin!
The winter brings cold and snow, boots, gloves and oh, it takes me forever to get dressed just to go outside for a walk with the dog! Yesterday in fact I bundled up as much as I could, and the cold still stung my face! It is hard to enjoy walking when the cold takes your breath away!
But my Molly seems to enjoy every minute of it... no matter how cold it is. When we return inside, I can feel her feet and body and she is toasty warm! She is happy and content with her walk.
Watching my Molly reminds me that I need to learn to be content in whatever situation I find myself in and scripture reminds me as well: Philippians 4: 11 "I have learned to be satisfied with the things I have and with everything that happens." NCV
Let us also take comfort in GOD'S redeeming LOVE for us, no matter what situation we find ourselves in. And "the LORD of hosts is HIS name." Jeremiah 50: 34. I know that I cannot change the weather, but I can change my outlook and my heart.
And so I am praying for warmer days ahead! But until then, HIS word will keep the fires burning within my heart. I will stay "warm" in HIS redeeming love for me, each and every day here.... even if it is way too cold outside!
COLOSSIANS 1: 13-14 "For HE has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the SON HE loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins."

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