As the New Year rushes in, I am excited to say that I have chosen my word for 2013. This word has popped up in scripture, song, and even in sermons to me.
My word for 2013 is: REDEEM.
In the dictionary a definition of this word is to: buy or get back; to pay off; to ransom; to atone for; to deliver from sin; and to restore.
How wonderful it is that our CHRIST is our REDEEMER! But how many of us live like we are redeemed?
As I was out walking with my sweet Molly today under a bright blue clear sky here in Colorado, I reflected on how CHRIST has been by my side over the years, and I am so thankful for that. But this year I want to inscribe HIS redemption for me on my heart... to live it and to be joyful for it. I know I understand what redemption means, but I also want to live like I am redeemed. I want to feel it in the depth of my soul, in a way that I have not done so far.
So what does that mean? I think it means looking forward with HOPE. Not looking backward on past mistakes that CHRIST has already forgiven me for. And how many of us carry around the guilt on our backs of past mistakes and failed trials? We don't need to work for CHRIST'S redemption for us... HIS mercy is a gift to us. The cross is evidence of HIS redemption!
I don't know where I will be led on this journey for this year. I only know that HE speaks to me, in clear small ways. Thank you LORD for the ransom you paid for me on the CROSS!
JOB 19: 23-26 "Oh, that my words were written! Oh, that they were inscribed in a book! That they were engraved on a rock with an iron pen and lead, forever! For I know that my REDEEMER lives, and HE shall stand at last on the earth; and after my skin is destroyed, this I know, that in my flesh I shall see GOD."
HE has already paid the price for me.... and for you!

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