Oswald Chambers has a habit of making you look in the mirror about your faith in his devotional called: "My Utmost for HIS Highest." Recently I read a statement of his that made me really stop and take a hard look. He said: "all of us must work out the salvation that GOD has worked in us. You cannot do anything for your salvation, but you must do something to manifest it, you must work out what GOD has worked in." Once we understand that we are saved, forgiven and redeemed by our LORD JESUS and understand HIS dying on the cross for us, then it is up to us to choose what exactly we are going to do about it. It is our responsibility to always do for HIM to others as HE has done for us. What about that mercy, grace and love for others? Doesn't CHRIST have plenty of that for us?
Once JESUS touches us in a deep way, we are never the same and we never tire of working for HIM, in HIM and through HIM. Drawing close to HIM creates a hunger within that only HE can satisfy. And that is a good thing because nothing in this world will satisfy like HE will. HIS daily love for us, spurs us on each and every day......HE is our everlasting strength and joy.
Now my way of working out my salvation might look entirely different from yours. And it should! We are all different for a reason so don't try to fit into someone else's mold for you. Don't try to do it like someone else. Some people will have a laundry list of their daily piety. Don't listen to it. There will be those who will try to tell you how you should be doing things, but listen with your heart to HIM and HIM alone! Stop, be still and really listen to HIM. HE knows every hair on our head and knows what is best for us. The problem with our natures is that we tend to listen to what someone else says rather than what GOD says!
CHRIST knows we are all very different from one another, all with different gifts and abilities that allows us to function as the Body of CHRIST in our broken world. When we rejoice in our LORD we become that beacon of light for those who are lost. And we all have unique ways of shining that light of HIS. Maybe you serve at Church, or write letters to someone who is lonely. You might visit the sick or volunteer in a homeless shelter. Whatever we do, we all do together collectively and thus we are able to reach as many as we can...... even around the world!
So whatever you do, do it all as if you are working for the LORD. HE will never steer you wrong......HE guides and HE leads with a gentle hand. May GOD give us spiritual strength and athleticism to face anything that comes our way. As we walk through each of our days, may we authentically work "out" what GOD has worked "in"!

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