I don't know about you, but some days I feel burdened by all the hard stuff in life. Sometimes I have to ask "why LORD?".......why does life have to be so hard for some and so easy for others.
I also ask what can I search for that will outweigh all the evil burdens of this world.....whom or what? The whom, our LORD JESUS CHRIST, is only an arm's length away from me. So why do I push HIM away sometimes when HE is the only answer?
This time of year with Easter only a day away, we should be focused on the Cross. All of our searching for answers ultimately leads us there. The Cross and all it stands for is the answer for all that is broken in this world. This side of Heaven is only that: brokenness.
When Christ left the disciples HE told them to "go" and be a light in this dark world. We who are filled with the Holy Spirit should shine above all others in a way that those who don't know CHRIST will want to have what we embody. In order for us to shine we need to be a GOD CHASER.....let us seek HIM with all our hearts and all our souls. Try to be that JOY that someone needs to see today. Keep seeking HIM and HIS HOLY SPIRIT will fill you up with what you need to shine to others.
When we are looking for what outweighs the tough stuff of this world we will ultimately see that it is the CROSS. At this time of year let us never forget why CHRIST died for us. HE died to take away the sins of the world. Let us take comfort and joy from that fact! And let us shine for HIM every day and for HIS HOLY sacrifice for us all!
PSALM 67:1 "GOD be merciful to us and bless us, and cause HIS face to shine upon us."

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