Monday, December 15, 2014


During this Christmas season I am currently reading Ann Voskamp's book: The Greatest Gift. It is a wonderful book and I highly recommend it.

The devotion for yesterday said something I know will stick with me: "Christmas can only be found.  Christmas cannot be bought.  Christmas cannot be created. Christmas cannot be made by hand, lit up, set out, dreamed up.  Christmas can only be found." page 138

Christmas can only be found by us when we look in the right place.  We need to look in the stable, in the midst of the hay and dirt.  The wise men knew where to look: "Where is the ONE who has been born the King of the Jews?" Matthew 2: 2. They were led by GOD'S grace to a star in the east which led them to the CHRIST child.....HE was found by them.

And we must search for the CHRIST as well.  If you really hunt for the true meaning of Christmas you will discover that all the tinsel and tidings and parties are meaningless.  It is only HIS light and love that gives any of it true meaning.  

The wise men brought gifts fit for a King.  What are you bringing the CHRIST child this Christmas?  Is it love?  Is it compassion? Is it kindness? Gentleness? How about peace?  Let us look to HIM to realize HIS ultimate love for us being born in the flesh.  A perfect GOD was born into our imperfect world.  A GOD of, and grace.  Find HIM and when you do, carry HIM in your heart.

Year after year people rush about trying to make CHRISTMAS the best ever.  The trouble is, they haven't truly found Christmas in the first place.  Church bells ring every Sunday inviting them in from the cold, but people choose to find the warmth in stuff.  The problem with the things of this world is that they never satisfy.  Only CHRIST will fill that hole within us.  Only CHRIST will satisfy a heart's longing or brokenness.  Only the ONE.  But first, HE must be found. 

When I find CHRIST, I find HIS heart for me and then I find Christmas. It is the greatest gift ever given on this earth.  And we certainly didn't earn it or deserve it. The gift of Christmas is freely strings attached.....a gift to anyone who is willing to receive......a gift eternal......a gift of pure unconditional love......a gift more precious than gold.....a gift to search for above all else.  Search for the CHRIST child this Christmas......HE is worth finding......HE is worth knowing......HE is worth loving.

1 Chronicles 28:9 "If you seek HIM, HE will be found by you."

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