Thursday, January 30, 2014

We Need to Get Out of HIS Way.

My last post discussed the how and why we should never put our GOD in a box.  Wrapping HIM up with a neat bow and explanation, tends to be such a diminished view of a GOD that is really too big for any words.  If you can define HIM then you have diminished HIM.  No, the more we search in HIS WORD for us, the more it becomes clear how large HE is.....there really are no words.

I for one, take comfort in the fact that HE is so big and so HOLY.  The hard part is how to discern HIS voice and to know when to get out of HIS way and let HIM work.  There have been times in my past that I have received the clear message that a problem I was dealing with was too big for me, and that I truly needed to release it into GOD'S capable hands.  Because we are human, this is hard to do and it does take some sweat and tears and wrestling with GOD to release what we hold on to so tightly in this world.

In the midst of this wrestling however, we need to stop and listen....we need to somehow make sure that HIS VOICE is clear.  Sometimes we rush into things head strong thinking we have a clear answer and the result is a huge mess that we create.  I have done this so often!

I love the story of Samuel and Eli....the LORD called Samuel more than once, until finally Samuel knew it was GOD and listened.  In 1 Samuel 3: 10 after the LORD had called, "Then Samuel said, "Speak, for your servant is listening."

With our daily walk, I believe it can be that simple....asking GOD to "speak".  Our concern then should be....will I listen?  Will I see?  If I am so concerned with myself, I know that I will miss HIM in the details and miss what HE is saying to me.  This requires daily quiet time with HIM.  

I must confess there are many times for this blog, that I realize I have nothing to say!  And when I pray, LORD "speak to me",  sure enough with time, HE gives me HIS words.  I am HIS pen so to speak and I listen and trust where HE leads my fingers.  But even in this, I have to get out of HIS way and really listen.  Sometimes I begin here thinking I have an idea, and by the time I am finished the post I started goes in an entirely different direction!  Like today for sure! I think GOD knows where my heart has always been on this blog....that it is HIS place, not mine.  HE gets all the glory and honor.  I type away in amazement and trust that HIS word will not come back void!   This becomes HIS sacred place.....I just need to get out of HIS way!  I don't want to hinder HIM and what HE wants to say.  

SO let us "ask" before we speak....let us listen before we move.  Let us trust in the HOLY SPIRIT'S leading.  We are the LORD'S hands and feet.  Let us not get in HIS way of doing what HE wants accomplished so when the LORD asks "who shall I send?"  We can respond with; "LORD send me."

JEREMIAH 6: 16 "This is what the LORD says: Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls."

Blessings to you as you listen for HIS voice!

1 comment:

  1. Reading this one today, Max. Reminds me of yesterday. And still, trying to seek Him and figure out what to say, I am not sure it worked. I have little doubt that God answers our requests in His time, and that I will benefit from persistently repeating my requests for discernment and guidance in that situation. I was reminded to pray daily for those young ladies. The answers to the questions come from God, not in my own power. I need to keep asking, from the heart, and be willing to leap with all my heart when called.
