Thursday, September 5, 2013

Are we becoming more Christlike?

I recently read a sentence in my IN TOUCH by Dr. Charles F. Stanley that said: "I think JESUS cares more about our heart, than about mere submission."  This statement should make us think daily and examine our hearts: are we becoming more CHRISTLIKE?

JESUS was good at asking open probing questions.... we should do for ourselves as well.  If I read scripture daily for answers and guidance for my life issues, am I also willing to ask myself those tough questions?  You know the kind.... the real "look in the mirror" type questions.  Questions that cause me to stop and examine the condition of my heart.

It is only when I do this, when I am completely honest with myself, and ask as CHRIST would ask, that a change and a true growth happens.  HIS touch of grace on my heart changes it with a radical embrace, driving me to love others and myself, in a way this world does not comprehend.

This upside down way of loving and thinking is what CHRIST was all about.  HE embraced what HIS father asked of HIM.... we can as well.  When we do this, we must be willing to take real inventory of our souls daily and not merely submit to going through the motions of reading our Bibles and going to Church.  Do I carry a bunch of scriptures around in my head and never carry them out?  Or do I put what I know into practice.  The WORD is there for us to internalize and to know..... to live it to the best of our abilities...... all with HIS grace.

Do you seek to have a heart like CHRIST?  My desire is just this..... HE has put that desire there, even before we were born,  and we need to seek it with all our being.  Let's keep our eyes on HIM and our heart's treasure in Heaven.

Matthew 6: 20-21 "But store up for yourselves treasures in Heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

1 comment:

  1. Hi Maxine,

    I popped in to love on you. I appreciate the message you shared and Amen to what you shared! I'm also a firm believer that true submission can't come without the true examination of our heart. I also live and teach that just asking ourselves the tough questions is not enough. We have to ask God to examine our hearts and show us ourselves. When we solely ask the hard questions to ourselves, we risk giving a softer answer :) or an excuse of some sort but when we ask God, "Show me myself Lord. Show me my heart attitude, my motives, my life through Your eyes so that I can surrender in those areas that need Your touch, correction and change" He does. Oh how ouch feeling that can be often times but it brings about true growing in the "grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" and that's what it's all about isn't it? Growing in Him and giving Him all the glory.

    Keep fighting the good fight of faith.
    Much love,
    Lisa Shaw
