Wednesday, September 25, 2013


I am in a Bible study with a friend right now on DAVID.  I love the Psalms and wanted so much to understand more about David and why he wrote what he did.  I love the fact that David was not afraid to say anything to GOD about his feelings!  The Psalms are a wealth of emotions with everything from anger to fear, to all out confession of sin.  David was not afraid to say anything to his GOD knowing that HE would not condemn, but redeem.  All this shows is that DAVID  was a broken human being as well as a "man after GOD'S own heart."

The fact that David was a broken vessel, comforts me.  I can see that he came before GOD with all of his brokenness and just asked GOD to fill him.  In Psalm 31:12 David says: "I have become like broken pottery."  In our world we would discard a piece of pottery like the one pictured above.  But in GOD'S view HE sees something quite different!

In HIS infinite love and grace for us, HE fills those broken places with HIS light!  The more broken I am, the more GOD can fill and complete me.   And in the middle of my brokenness HE will not despise my "broken and contrite heart." Psalm 51: 17  The Message says that "heart shattered lives don't for a moment escape GOD'S notice."  What a comfort!

HE is my Holy Father and I can come to HIM with "anything" no matter how bad I think it is!  HE can take my brokenness and use it for HIS I may look like the broken vessel above, but I am whole through HIM and in HIM.  Thank GOD for HIS wonderful GRACE that fills those broken places in each of us!  For when I am weak, then I am strong!

ROMANS 9: 21 "Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for noble purposes and some for common use?"


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