I came upon scripture this morning in my devotion that intrigued me and made me think. I was reading in PSALMS 18: 19 that said: "He brought me forth also into a broad place." The Message says: "HE stood me up on a wide-open field."
Last summer we took a trip to Santa Fe, New Mexico. We were so impressed by the wide open spaces we saw.... broad spaces. Spaces where the eye could see forever. This scripture made me think of those beautiful open vistas with red rocks and lovely green grasses full of wildflowers. At our hotel we had a vantage point of being able to see in all directions.
Sometimes I think we tend to look at our lives with tunnel vision.... in that vision we get stuck into thinking that we are in a valley of insurmountable problems that we cannot see around. I can easily put myself into one of those valleys, if my thinking gets too small and focused on myself. When I start to lose hope, then I am in trouble.
GOD is there for us.... there is assurance that HE delights in HIS people and rescues us from our enemies and from harm. HE never fails to redeem us and leads us out of those valleys into a broad and spacious place.... a place filled with HIS LOVE and GRACE.... a place where we can see clearly from HIS perspective.
When I am down so low.... HE lifts me up.... HE puts me out into a spacious place... a place where I can stretch myself.... where I can grow and flourish.... a place worth living.... where all things are possible with HIM.
Our daily lives will continue with many problems until we go home.... but our Father in Heaven wants us to live with HIS perspective.... a perspective that sees wide open spaces where love can abound, and HIS GRACE and REDEMPTION continue forever!
May HE bring you into a broad place where anything is possible with HIS never ending love for you!
PSALM 18: 19 "HE rescued me, because HE delighted in me."

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