My sisters in Christ and I recently found out that we are going to the Relevant Conference for blog
writers in Hershey Pennsylvania. Tickets for the event went on sale at midnight and sold out in 5 minutes. Obviously this conference is very popular with Christian women who blog and I consider myself very blessed to be able to attend!
My dear friend is dying to go and she is way more deserving than I to be there...her blog site is : and I highly recommend you stop by and spend a little time reading. As for me, I have only been writing since November. My friend on the other hand has been at this for three years.
So I am in awe of all of it...God being in the midst of writing and my having to reley on HIM to help me along. Why would He choose me, let alone think I had anything worthy to say? See I am way outside my comfort zone with this..but somehow the words still come...they come sometimes in the middle of the night...I don't believe the words are mine. I give HIM the praise!
Putting words on a blog and then hitting the publish button is not for wimps. It takes quiet time in prayer, listening for God's voice, looking up scripture, doing research, and then just hoping that what you say makes sense.
My abiding with HIM and following this path has brought me to this place of humility...of feeling so inadequate. I feel as if I am in the midst of women who really know their stuff. Do I belong here? They write every day..I stumble to post once a week. But in this insecurity, I hear God say: KEEP GOING. When my mind screams: YOU HAVE NOTHING WORTHY TO SAY, GOD whispers: listen for ME. I know with my heart that my weakness is HIS strength. I pray for words...sometimes they come, loud and clear. Other times my mind stumbles and searches, my heart aches.
This writing takes much takes quiet just takes time. I am very humbled, and I know I have much to learn. I feel so inexperienced! But I choose to look at this issue as an opportunity to ABIDE with HIM and put my trust in HIM. Abiding with HIM is my goal this year. HE is closer than ever to me when I write.
My abiding in my writing has caused me to see HIM on a very different reach for realize I can't do any of this on my own.
I am very thankful that I am able to attend this conference. I will be able to listen to published authors and writers speaking to 200 women. All of us will be there to give GOD the glory I am sure. I know my heart and my head will be open to all of it. I know GOD will be with me...leading me in HIS direction. And I know my praise, every bit of it...belongs only to HIM.
"The LORD is gracious and righteous; our GOD is compassionate. The LORD guards the inexperienced; I was helpless, and HE saved me." Psalm 116: 5&6

Another great post, my friend.... your perseverance will pay off. Keep writing and remember that He has called you to this. Love how you said that "hitting the publish button is not for wimps" - I defnitely am with you on that one! Can't wait to see how God uses Relevant to inspire us, teach us and stretch us. October can't come soon enough... God's Peace.
ReplyDeleteGod bless you. I am blessed because of people like you who are not afraid to write for God... I'm happy for you... I hope you'll post and share with us what you did in the conference.. God bless you!
I look forward to meeting you in October! Keep writing for Him! :)
ReplyDeleteHi Maxine. Looking forward to meeting you at Relevant. I am going too. :)