Monday, January 5, 2015


As I sit here in the pre-dawn hours and read my Bible I come across this scripture: "For I AM HOLIER than you!" Isaiah 65:5  I reread the words again......and I am humbled.  This year I have chosen for my word: HOLY.  I seek in my journey this year to come by a better understanding of how holy our GOD truly is.  Could it be possible that in my seeking HIS holiness, that I myself might become more holy? 

I have a friend who teaches Bible studies and she said something to me once and I have never forgotten it.  I can still see the serious expression on her face and I guess that is why what she said has stuck with me.  Being very intentional she said: "none of us really know how HOLY our GOD is."  I know she is right in that statement.  The more time you spend with GOD, the more you realize that HE is a big GOD not to be taken lightly.

If you google the word holy it says that the word is mentioned in the King James version 611 times.  I realize that there is a wealth of scripture that points to HIS HOLINESS.  I have much to learn about the word holy and I am excited to see where my journey goes this year embracing this word.  If you haven't already, I encourage you to choose a word with much prayer and then listen to what GOD intends for you.  Your word will take you on an interesting journey for 2015 and you won't be disappointed!  This is my 5th year choosing a special word, and with each year I see growth within and a moving closer to my GOD.  

Yesterday I woke up with a clear picture of the word PSALM 15 in my head.  Now Psalm 15 is nothing that I have memorized so I had to look it up.  My Bible gives it the title of: THE CHARACTER OF THOSE WHO MAY DWELL WITH THE LORD.  And the 1st verse says: " LORD, who may abide in YOUR tabernacle? Who may dwell in YOUR HOLY HILL?"  And then it speaks to a person who walks uprightly, works righteousness, and speaks the truth."  All character traits that I as a follower should be seeking.  I look at PSALM 15 as a beginning to my quest of understanding HIS HOLINESS and HIS character.  GOD does have perfect character and integrity......HIS SON Jesus was without sin......a fact that none of us can claim. Therefore, the FATHER and the SON are pure HOLINESS.

Could it be that in my desire to understand HIS HOLINESS, that some of what that HOLINESS means, could possibly rub off on me?  I pray that the HOLY SPIRIT will continue to touch me, guide me, grow me, and live within me.  I need the Spirit's guidance this year as I search to understand the HOLY ONE.

In PSALM 27: 8 David says: "YOUR face, LORD I will seek." I look to the LORD Almighty with strength of my soul and with perseverance of spirit. I know that HE says if I seek HIM with all my heart that I will find HIM.  I trust HIS word.  And I trust that in my seeking..... in all my searching..... that I will find a powerful HOLY GOD.  HE might be beyond my total understanding, but I know with all my heart, that HE is never.....ever..... beyond my reach. 

LEVITICUS: 19: 2 " You shall be HOLY, for I the LORD your GOD am HOLY."

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