Thursday, October 17, 2013


I am currently dog sitting for a sweet 90 pound lab who is blind.  This time spent with him has been a learning experience in what it means to trust.  I have watched how this pup listens for my voice by turning his head, to guide him up and down stairs inside the house, and up and down curbs outside on our walks together.  I was surprised at how quickly he trusted someone he couldn't see.   He walks alongside me trusting that my guidance on all paths will be right and true.  He doesn't seem to have any fear as he follows the sound of my voice to make it safely around any and all obstacles.

This whole issue of trusting someone unseen can be a difficult concept for us as humans.  We tend to believe more in what is visible  Believing in a Sovereign GOD is one thing, but putting our complete trust in HIM seems very hard for us to do.

Over time this life has taught me that trusting HIM is actually better than trusting myself!  During one painful night a few years ago, I was on my knees asking GOD to watch out for and keep my son safe from harm.  I had spent many a sleepless night due to worry.  So it was as if GOD were in the room with me when I heard HIM say: "don't you understand that I AM and I can take care of your son better than you EVER will?"  And in that moment, I learned that as fearful as I was of putting my son completely in GOD'S hands, I had to give up my control, and TRUST that GOD had it.  When I took this step out in faith, I realized that trusting GOD is the only SURE path in this life!  My trusting in GOD is the only possible way for me to go about my life with peace and joy that surpasses understanding.  Honestly, if I truly trust in GOD, then, "what can flesh do to me?.  Psalm 56:4

Proverbs 29:25 says: "the fear of man lays a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD is safe."  And that is the heart of it..... the enemy wants us to doubt and fear and worry about the details of our lives, because when we do, the focus becomes all about us!  When we choose to trust GOD however, then the focus turns towards our Sovereign GOD..... the ONE who says we should trust HIS voice....HIS wisdom.... HIS guidance.... HIS love.  Only a loving GOD would ask this of us. Only a loving GOD would leave us a roadmap of HIS character which can be found in all of scripture.... a loving character which can be trusted above all else.  Our Father in Heaven sees the big picture and knows what HE has in store for our lives.  HIS loving and grace-filled hand will lead us in this life and ultimately on to the next life.  We only need to TRUST.... IN.... HIM!

PSALM 13:5 "But I have trusted in YOUR steadfast love, my heart shall rejoice in YOUR salvation."

Many Blessings As You Learn to Trust,

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