Friday, May 1, 2015
More often than not when we apply for a job we do so knowing we are qualified. We have that resume ready and are confident in our abilities. In Christ's kingdom things are quite different. GOD sends HIS HOLY SPIRIT to assist us and we are not to wait until we feel qualified.
So I must ask, do you feel qualified for HIS work wherever you are? Do you know that if you don't, that is a good thing? If we feel inadequate and unqualified then that allows the HOLY SPIRIT to work within us in ways we could never do as humans. The SPIRIT working within us changes our hearts and develops gifts of our character that we never knew we had. Walking closely with the SPIRIT gives us the discernment to say and do for others just at the right moment without realizing the impact. Relying on the SPIRIT allows us to never take the credit.....all credit then goes to HIM who works within us.
After we moved to Arizona, I very quickly found a church that I now love. It wasn't long before I joined the First Impressions Team where we greet those walking onto our campus. A couple of months back there was a sweet woman who asked me where she should go to find out more about the church. I took her by the hand to the proper place and while we were walking together, I told her I was new too, welcomed her and told her how much I loved the church and our beautiful campus. Or at least this is what I remember saying to her now. As I left her in good hands, I wondered how it would turn out for her.
About a month later I was walking into the 9:00 service and there she was! And not only that, she had a lanyard on for First Impressions! I couldn't believe my eyes, but then very quickly realized that with GOD all things are so possible and we are just HIS hands and feet here. Since then, this beautiful woman and I have had opportunities to talk and serve together. If someone would have asked me to sign up people for welcoming in our church I would have said no way! But with the HOLY SPIRIT'S help that day, and it's working within me, I must have said just the right thing to make an impression on this woman.
We all have gifts that are not of our own abilities, but those gifts are empowered by the HOLY SPIRIT. And HE will refine and develop them for a new level of use in a specific time in your life.....your gifts and abilities are being developed daily when you walk in GOD'S word. So you never have to doubt if you can do something in HIS kingdom, but you must TRUST and leave HIS good work within you in HIS capable HANDS.
Remember CHRIST'S disciples? None of them were qualified to do CHRIST'S work until they were filled with the HOLY SPIRIT. In Acts 2:38 Peter says to repent and be baptized and "you will receive the gift of the HOLY SPIRIT." If we are unqualified, just as those disciples were, then GOD with HIS manifestation of the SPIRIT will make us qualified.
We need to live every day with the SPIRIT of willingness to just jump right in! Don't think too hard about it or whether you are qualified or not for the task..... just do it. GOD knows what HE is doing and you can't go wrong with HIM. Our job is to walk with HIM and TRUST HIM with all that we are. Truly, HE is up for the task and is bigger than anything in this world. We are HIS ambassadors living out our lives as examples of GOD'S love in this broken world. HE will continue to qualify the unqualified. So walk on spirit-filled friends, don't wait until you feel qualified.... you already are!
ISAIAH 6:8 Then I heard the voice of the LORD saying, "whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "here am I. Send me!"
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