Do you ever sit and wish that a moment would last forever? I am sure you have thought this on a beautiful afternoon you wish would never end. I have had a few of those afternoons recently since we moved to Arizona. The weather here most of the time is truly heavenly.
I live near a park where I can see beautiful green grass and the San Tan Mountain Range. All of it I can view out my front office window. This afternoon, the sun is streaming in, making my office golden in it's hue. There are gentle shadows on the walls, of my front tree, now swaying in the wind and I wish I could sit here and drink in this moment forever.
I have recently enjoyed our Church courtyard and felt as if I were in a tropical place, with the majestic palm trees and the birds singing. I didn't want to get up to leave as I enjoyed my hot coffee because I wanted to sit there with the sun on my face...... forever.
We all have memories of our children growing up and wishing those moments would never end. Why do they have to get older? One particular special moment for me I will never forget was sitting on my front porch and watching my little boy ride his bike as he said: "Mom, watch me!" Might this be a HOLY way of remembering? Is it realizing that these moments are a gift in time from above like none other?
I wonder if GOD gives us these glimpses into eternity this way: as hard as we try to stop time, we can't, because it marches on and forward whether we like it or not. Since our moments are just that, moments, are we to long for forever? And is that what Heaven with our LORD will be like? What will eternity be with an all-loving HOLY GOD?
GOD does put eternity into the hearts of men. We yearn for something better than this world and that wanting, that needing, is within us and put there by a HOLY GOD. HE knows what is best for us and HE knows we can't get it here on this earth, so HE shows us glimpses of what could be. When we seek HIM with all our heart, mind and soul, we find HIM and HE gives us those wonderful blessings, those forever moments, that are pure and glorious and memorable.
If you can, find a forever moment each day. One can be found if you search for it. It can be as simple as looking into the night sky or watching a glorious sunrise, stopping to see GOD'S hand in it just for a moment! Try to hold on to those gifts of HIS grace in your memory, never letting go of them, and never losing the wonder and the hope of it all.
ECCLESIASTES 3: 11 " HE has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what GOD has done from beginning to end."
Oooooh yes, I love forever moments! I had one the other day lying under a tree with both boys, feeling the sun and breeze, breathing in their smell, feeling so peaceful. What a gift! A beautiful post! May you have many forever moments today!