Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Who sits on the throne of your life?  Is it you or your children or money or a house or anything other than GOD? If it is yourself, then at some point you will realize that being self-centered isn't working for you and maybe some things need to change.  Putting yourself above all else isn't an answer, but yielding your will to GOD'S will is.  Sometimes our priorities just get really messed up!  When we let the Holy Spirit take the lead, then we clear our throne of life and let GOD sit there.  When the HOLY GOD of the universe takes us by the hand, our selfish pursuits seem dirty at best. 

Submitting to HIS throne and realizing that GOD sits there is us surrendering our will to HIS we begin to see HIM as completely HOLY, and we see that we are not.  As a sinner, I must realize that a HOLY GOD has sacrificed HIMSELF for me.......this fact I must accept and then decide what I am going to do about it.

When I submit to HIM as my HOLY GOD, it becomes a cost for me......a cost of myself and all that is not holy within me. I trade in my personal throne for HIS.  My desire is to want a spirit-filled life, a HOLY life achieved through CHRIST.  And when CHRIST is number one in my life, others can see and are attracted to HIM.  Others notice and it is not me at all, but CHRIST within me. Over time what I thought was me, starts to blur with all that CHRIST is......I become defined by CHRIST, not by my own achievements. 

The first thing to go when I surrender is my pride......when people praise you, your soul will convict you, and you can't take credit, but give it to the HOLY ONE instead.  HIS strength, mercy and grace is what helped you achieve, not by way of yourself.  And your praise of HIM becomes HOLY and right......a devotion of authentic love.

Another trait to go is putting yourself before others. You begin to see others around you as better than yourself and are patient and submissive to those who cross your path.  Your view becomes a HOLY lens like GOD'S, and you see everyone as a precious child of HIS.  This viewpoint allows you to have love and compassion with everyone around you, even an enemy. This HOLY lens deepens your understanding of humanity, an understanding that we are all broken and that the foot of the Cross is level for all who come to it.

When we ask GOD to make us as holy as a sinner can be, we submit to HIS HOLY SPIRIT, becoming HIS hands and feet, and doing HIS HOLY work.  And where do we begin? Focus on what is in front of you......listen and just do.  Listen to that small voice prompting you to be GOD'S touch in this world.  HIS HOLY work is all around us, and in us and HIS HOLY throne of life, guides us, and transforms us.  Try to reflect on who CHRIST is and how far you have come along the road of life with HIM.  Are you the same as you were a year ago?

As we look to the HOLY THRONE of GOD, our lives transform into HOLY WORK as we seek to serve HIM, with all our hearts and souls.  Let your reach into the world become HIS HOLY reach.  When we realize this, then we have HIS power to change the world around us!

PSALM 11:4 "The LORD is in HIS HOLY temple; the LORD is on HIS Heavenly throne."

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