Thursday, December 4, 2014


OH that we were wise!  Our discussion in my ladies group this past week turned to how do we get wisdom?  I do know that some of it comes from life experiences that GOD takes us through and some of us have had more than others.  Whether the experiences are easy or difficult, if you seek HIM in the middle of it, HE will show you what you need to learn.

I want to carry wisdom in my heart too.  At this time of year we are busy preparing our homes with decorations and such for the coming of our LORD, but what about the preparing of our hearts for HIM?  I don't want to be so busy that I miss what this season truly means.  Christ came in the flesh to walk this earth among us, only to die on the cross for our sins.  What makes HIM different from the rest of us is HIS holiness.  Don't miss that.....HE.....IS......HOLY.  

I love to imagine that star bright night as the wise men made their journey towards that stable. I have to wonder what was going through their minds!  "We saw HIS star in the East and have come to worship HIM."  King Herod was disturbed by their statement.  Was it because he knew they knew something he didn't?  Where did their wisdom come from?

When we seek GOD with all our hearts, wisdom is born there.  We can't find it anywhere else on this earth.  Yes you can read book after book, but that is only head knowledge......wisdom of the heart is a completely different concept.

I am sure on that starry night those wise men were searching for the CHRIST child with all their hearts, being ever so persevering until they found HIM.  We are used to the GPS systems in our cars to get us to our destination, but what was it like to follow just one bright star in a dark night?  I am so happy that the wise men found HIM!  

It says in scripture that when they saw the CHILD with HIS mother that they "bowed down and worshiped HIM." Matthew 2: 11.  They knew HE was a Holy CHILD and they were reverent towards HIM. What were Mary and Joseph thinking when they held pure HOLINESS in their arms? Let us never forget that......HE......IS.......HOLY.  Let that sink deep into our hearts as we prepare for Christmas Day during this Advent season.  A season of preparing......a season of wonder......a season of love......a season of HOLINESS.

MATTHEW 2: 11-12 "Then they opened their treasures and presented HIM with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh."

Blessings as you prepare for our LORD'S birth!

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