Thursday, January 23, 2014


Do you put our GOD in a box?  Do you wrap HIM up into a neat little package and put HIM on a shelf to take down when it is convenient for you?  Do you go to HIM only when you need HIM?  I have to ask: what kind of a relationship then do you have with HIM?

With the New Year I have started new Bible studies and have had the opportunity to go a little deeper.  I for one, don't want to have lukewarm faith.  I want to grow each year deeper with HIM by my side.

The more I delve into Scripture, the more I realize how big our GOD is.  And if you are able to define HIM, then you have put HIM in that box.

You see, reading Scripture should put you in awe of HIM and your understanding of HIM will come to a point where you realize that there are NO words.  Yes there is one: HOLY.

An example I found in Scripture the other day stood out to me about Moses speaking to the LORD.  First he said in Exodus 33: 18: "....I pray YOU, show me YOUR glory!"  Moses was asking to see the face of GOD.  But then GOD said in verse 20: "You cannot see My face, for no man can see ME and live!"  This shows how HOLY GOD is.  

I take this to heart in believing that we are on sacred ground with HIM when we pray, and when we come before HIM, we should come with reverence and awe.  HE is not a GOD that is a genie in a bottle to answer our prayers just because we want an answer.  We cannot put HIM in a box like that......HE is sovereign over everything in this world, and HIS plan for all of us is BEYOND our understanding.  

Some people don't take comfort in not knowing all the answers.  They want to know it all in order to have faith.  But if we did know all about GOD,  we wouldn't need a merciful GOD in the first place!

We do know that we have a HOLY GOD who loves those who fear HIM and HE does this as "far as the East is from the West."  Yes HIS lovingkindness is from everlasting to everlasting with splendor and majesty stretching like a tent in the distant heavens over us.  Who else can control the wind, the sea and the stars!  Knowing that HIS hands control the Heavens and our delicate planet, is enough proof for me that we have a BIG GOD, a HOLY ONE, an eternal CREATOR. 

And so I challenge you to keep reading scripture and let the WORD sink in deep.  I think you will find yourself realizing that GOD truly is beyond our words here, beyond any explanation given, and HE definitely doesn't belong in that nice neat little box we tend to put HIM in to make us feel all safe and warm.  We should develop over time a respectful fear of HIM and realize that HE is much bigger than we could ever imagine.

PSALM 99: 9 "Exalt the LORD our GOD and worship at HIS holy mountain, for the LORD our GOD is Holy."


  1. Great piece! I know I missed this for many years. I asked God to do things within my own parameters, and when He didn't, I questioned His existence. When we pray, we must be watchful for His answer, but watching with a more open mind and heart, because the answer is often much larger or deeper than we expected. It reminds me of that astronomy class I took years ago, when I was trying to find the constellation of Hercules. I'll never forget that "aha!" moment I had when I finally saw it. The reason I had missed it for all those nights of trying was that it is a MUCH LARGER constellation than my preconceived notion! I would have much more to comment, probably, but I am trying to give an overnight's pondering before posting. Looks like I just oops'ed on this one! hahaha!

  2. Thanks Brenda!

    Just knowing you are reading here keeps me writing for HIM!! HE is awesome and bigger than we can ever imagine! Love you Bunches!
