Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Christmas Star

I love the story in Matthew about the Christmas Star and how the Wise Men knew to follow it!  In Matthew 2:2 it says: "For we have seen HIS star in the East and have come to worship HIM."  This star was supernatural and was even prophesied in Numbers 24:17.   It is also a wonder that this Star was able to move horizontally and stop over where the Christ child was!

Looking into the Heavens makes one feel so small....stars in the dark of night shine so bright!  I love to know that each one was hand picked by GOD and placed there just for us to see.  How can you not look into the Heavens and not believe there is a greater ONE!  At this time of year the stars seem brighter....the light shines brighter through the darkness more so than any other time of year.  Even our Christmas lights give inside and out a wondrous glow.

And that is why the Christ child give us light and hope in the darkness.  It seems more now than ever before that we need this HOPE in our midst.  With our country in turmoil there is a need for peace and hope....a hope that only JESUS can bring. 

As I read the story about the birth of our Savior in Luke, I am reminded of the Wise Men and their faith in seeking HIM.  They are our example of the first CHRIST followers!  They traveled many miles to see HIM and bring HIM their gifts.  Those gifts had symbolic significance according to scholars: Gold representing CHRIST'S Kingship; Frankincense, HIS Priesthood; and Myrrh, an aromatic used for embalming; HIS sacrificial and redeeming death.

Let us not forget then, those first gifts and those first followers of CHRIST!  Their faith in the star and what they knew in their hearts shines as bright as those heavens we often take for granted.  May we seek to be HIS light during this CHRISTMAS season.  Shine bright for HIM!

LUKE 2: 15: "So it was, when the angels had gone away from them into heaven, that the shepherds said to one another, "Let us now go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has come to pass, which the LORD has made known to us."

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